In Ubivox there are two search functions. This guide describes how you can use these functions to find a unique subscriber in Ubivox.
1) The first search function is the one you have in your top right corner of your dashboard. Here you can search on active and inactive e-mails.
In it you can search for an e-mail by entering the beginning of the e-mail address, i.e. ubi. However, it is not possible to search for endings, i.e. Furthermore, e-mail addresses such as these: and may end at the same subscriber.
2) The other search function: Go to your List with active subscribers.
3) Select List menu → Subscriptions. It shows all your active subscribers.
4) This search functions, gives you the opportunity to search part of the e-mail, i.e. you do not remember all of it.
5) When you have found your subscriber, it is possible for you to go to Profile and edit and unsubscribe the subscriber. It is also possible to see your list for inactive subscribers