Your test e-mail has been sent

This guide elaborates on what happens when you send a test e-mail from the editor.

Litmus - Spamtest and preview in e-mail clients

This guide exemplifies and elaborates how you conduct a spam filter test as well as a preview test of how your newsletter appears in different e-mail clients. Simultaneously, the guide elaborates the functions and features that are presented during the test.

How to create your own content template

This guide elaborates and exemplifies how you can create your own template for usage in a course.

Mailmerging in an URL or a picture URL

You are able to mailmerge in an URL or in a picture URL in Ubivox. However, due to technical reason, you are not able to see statistics from these. This guide elaborates and demonstrates how it is done in praxis.

Getting Started

Get started with some of the most common features of Ubivox in five easy steps.

How to use the editor

This guide gives a deeper understanding of how the Ubivox editor works. The guide elaborates all the functions within the editor and therefore gives you a deep insight into the drag and drop process.

Edit your preheader

How to edit your preheader in the editor

Insert video in a newsletter

In this guide you will learn how to setup a video in your newsletter

Advanced picture editing

Edit your images within Ubivox. This guides shows you how our image editor are used.

Mailmerging in Ubivox

In this guide you will get an intoduction to mailmerging in you newsletter.

Insert your own unsubscription link

This guida elaborates how you create and insert your own unsubscription link into a newsletter.

Lock the width of a column with transparent GIFs

This guide elaborates and exemplify how you can lock the width of a column through transparant GIFs.

External resources in Ubivox

This guide elaborates how you merge external resources into your newsletter. The guide contains examples in HTML and RSS.

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